Monday, March 2, 2009

Chapter 22- Hanging on to Max

Please post your comments on chapter 22 here.


  1. When Sam said," I think i'm going to give Max up for adoption," it was an unexpected outcome. I have believed that Sam will never give up Max and will take responsibility for what he has done. But I was wrong. in a way, I understand Sam because it will definitely hard for him to handle this unusual case and...hanging out with friends might be more attractive temptation for the teenagers. Before he is father of Max, he is one of ordinary teenagers who wish to go out and play games without holding worries.

    I just want to know more about the details about his final decision.

  2. I can believe, and I know how much Sam love Max, but I can’t believe why he has this decide, I don’t know, just, I mean it, when Brittany want to give Max up, is him, is him say he want this baby. But, now, when he live with Max facing so long after, he want to give Max up, I can’t understand, and I don’t know why Sam want to decide this, and he just sudden want to give up. I know, whatever, but he just never thought of the feeling in Max.

  3. In chapter 22, I thought Sam’s dad is mad at Sam, because even though it is small laceration, it is big for the babies. But luckily instead of getting mad at Sam for responsibility, he cheers up Sam and I think that’s what father should does. When Sam and Claire talks about Max, I couldn’t believe Sam that his is thinking about adoption for Max. I mean, he wanted Max because his girlfriend Brittany was thinking about adoption but now he is thinking about it also. I know it is hard to raise a baby in that young age with school, but Max is his child I hope Sam change his mind.

  4. Chapter 22
    Well in this I think it will based on on when something happen in the dinner gathering? or well I was reading the chapter there where tow friends have been sent to the hospital and I think it max was one of them then later jenny was sent to the hospital for some reason well the one I was thinking was right so that’s what I read I was thinking while I was reading the chapter

  5. I was surprised to discover that Sam’s dad didn’t scold him for not being cautious with Max.
    But instead responded with a “…it’s okay you’ll feel better” saying. I just wonder how Claire felt seeing Sam wants to give Max up for adoption. Although, it may seem difficult for him I admire the courage to let him go to a family who can give more care and support for Max. Even though Claire liked Sam and Max she should understand it is better for Max. It would be extremely difficult for Sam to grow-up normally and support a kid on the side.

  6. I feel so bad for Max; I could never imagine a baby being stitched. I’m glad that Mitch didn’t really go hardcore on Sam about Max’s safety. I can imagine the emotions that Sam’s enduring, I know Sam feels like it’s all his fault, however accidents do happen and I bet if he were in the house watching Max nothing bad would go wrong. Any parent would feel the blamed put on them if anything bad happens to their child even if it’s not their fault… I don’t like the end how Sam said he thinks he wants to give up Max for adoption. This was only one accident and he should be strong for Max. I hope he doesn’t give up Max for adoption; it would be disappointing and sad.

  7. I got an impact. Because Sam decides adoption got Max. So, I very impact. Why Sam is thinking about adoption? I got a question and when he’s adoption for Max. He will be happy? I don’t know this part only know about Sam. My opinion is adoption is good but not good. Because if I’m not have baby or child. And I want get a child. So, I want to do the adoption. It is good, but the baby to other people. It is doing like give the baby to other people. It is adoption so, I thin it is bad. Parent gets duty for make baby.

  8. HOW CAN HE EVEN THINK ABOUT GIVING UP MAX FOR ADOPTION? THIS BOOK HAS A LOT OF DISAPOINTMENTS TO THROW AT READERS! Well I do think its the best choice, and the right choice. Because Sam is only a teenager. He needs to get his life straight. Maybe he could atleast keep in touch with Sam, And if he ever does ask. Tell him something meaningul & truthfuly from the heart. Oh and that Claire girl, just because she has so many people who help her out, doesnt mean every other single teen parents have one. She should see that. But I know what she means. Its what my dad always tells me " Even when things get hard, You stick through it. Things WILL get better"... Its understandable, but I know that Sam feels teribble. I can feel his pain.

  9. Chapter 22:
    I think that Sam is going to have a hard time remembering these entire things that the doctor is telling him. I think that Mitch didn’t want Sam to have any girlfriends that’s why kept on calling Claire girl. I think that Claire is a really good person, because she just gets everything ready for Sam. I think that soon Mitch will realize that Claire is not like one of those other girls, like Brittany. I think that when Sam sees his dad all he thinks his dad is going to say to him are negative stuff. I think that Mitch is not a bad guy at all.

  10. I think that Sam is just so stupid for thinking about giving Max up for adoption. He is just like Brittany; they both shouldn’t have sex when they can’t face the consequences. I mean don’t they both know what birth control is? Sam was talking to his father about Max but he didn’t tell his father that he was thinking of giving Max up for adoption. I was shocked when I found out that Sam was thinking about giving Max up for adoption I always thought that Sam loved Max so much and would never do something like that.
    Although I think Sam is a real big jerk for even thinking of giving Max up, I also think it would be right for the both of them in a way. Sam is a teenage boy and most teenage boys can’t take care of THEIR OWN babies, some can’t even take care of themselves. HOWEVER, Sam should keep Max; Max would need his own father somewhere in the future and Sam should be there for him.
