Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chapter 10 - All American Girl

Please post your thoughts and comments on Chapter 10 of All American Girl here.

Chapter 9 - All American Girl

Please post your thoughts and comments on Chapter 9 of All American Girl here.

Chapter 8 - All American Girl

Please post your thoughts and comments on Chapter 8 of All American Girl here.

Chapter 10 - Friction

Please post your thoughts and comments on the characters and events in Chapter 10 of Friction.

Chapter 9 - Friction

Please post your thoughts and comments about the events on Chapter 9 of Friction here.

Chapter 8 - Friction

Please post your thoughts and comments about the events in Chapter 8 of Friction here.

Chapter 7 - Friction

Please post your thoughts about the events and characters in Chapter 7 of Friction here.

Chapter 6 - Friction

In your own words, define friction. How does the title relate to the story in the book? What do you think will happen in the novel?javascript:void(0)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chapter 7 - All American Girl

Please post your thoughts and comments here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chapter 11 - City of Ember

What was in Lizzie's groceries? How did she get them? Why are these canned fruits and vegetables so important? Do you think Lizzie's activities were legal? Why or why not?

Chapter 10 - City of Ember

Why do you think drawing with colored pencils is important for Lina? Do you think her drawings are weird or they are accurate? Why do think she draws that way?

Chapter 9 - City of Ember

What did Doon and Lina find out about the box? Do you think there is a way out of the city? Why or why not?

Chapter 8 - City of Ember

Describe Doon's discoveries about the Pipeworks. Describe the library in the City of Ember. What do you think about the two places?

Chapter 6 - City of Ember

Describe the gathering at the Harkensquare meeting with the mayor. What was talked about and what was the result of the meeting? What do you think Lina found at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 6 - All American Girl

Please post your comments on the character and events of chapter 6 of All American Girls here.

Chapter 5 - All American Girl

Please post your thoughts on Chapter 5 of All American Girl here.

Chapter 4- All American Girl

Please post your thoughts about chapter 4 of All American Girl here.

Chapter 12 - Stand Tall

If you were Tree at the end of the chapter, how would you respond to the little girls Christmas wish.Will you do the same as Tree? Will you feel the same as Tree had describe? Why?

Chapter 11 - Stand Tall

How is Sophie's family similar and somewhat different from Tree's family. Compare and constrast both character's families.

Chapter 10 - Stand Tall

What does Tree's grandpa mean with this statement, " We've all lost a piece of ourselves.War does that-it blows things up and leaves an empty place where something important used to be." What does this mean to you.

Chapter 9 - Stand Tall

Describe Tree's brothers, Larry and Curtis. How is Tree different from his brothers? How would you feel if you were Tree?

Chapter 8 - Stand Tall

Describe Sophie Santack. In your opinion, do you think she is admirable? Why or why not? Support your answers with examples.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chapter 5 - Friction

Please post your thoughts about the events and characters on Chapter 5 of Friction here.

Chapter 4- Friction

Please post your thoughts on Chapter 4 of Friction here.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Chapter 7 - City of Ember

Based on what you have read so far, what characteristic do you like best about the main character? Why?

Chapter 5 - City of Ember

Define Ember. How does the title relate to the plot of the story? What is your personal definition of "city of ember" ? Please elaborate.

Chapter 4 - City of Ember

Please post your comments on chapter 4 of City of Ember here.

Chapter 7 -Stand Tall

Describe Tree's mother. Do you think her actions and emotions are justified because of the divorce? How will you treat your mother if your parents are going through a divorce?

Chapter 6 - Stand Tall

Describe Tree's grandfather. How does Tree interact with his grandfather? Will you treat your grandfather the same? Why or why not?

Chapter 5 - Stand Tall

Describe Tree. Make sure to write atleast 100-words comment.

Chapter 4 - Stand Tall

Describe Tree's family and the present family conflict. Do you think Tree is affected by it? If you were Tree, will you get affected by the divorce of your parents?

Chapter 2- City of Ember

Based on what you have read so far, describe the setting of the story. Was it set in the modern time? Where did the events in the story takes place? Describe setting of the story?

Chapter 2 - Stand Tall

Based on what you have read so far, describe the setting of the story. Was it set in the modern time? Where did the events in the story takes place? Describe setting of the story?

Chapter 1- Stand Tall

What do you think this book is all about? What do you think about the characters mentioned on this first chapter?

Chapter 3 - Stand Tall

Does the character mentioned so far seem real to you? Are they someone that you can relate to or can identify with? Why so?

Chapter 3 - City of Ember

Does the character mentioned so far seem real to you? Are they someone that you can relate to or can identify with? Why so?

Chapter 3 - Friction

Does the character mentioned so far seem real to you? Are they someone that you can relate to or can identify with? Why so?

Chapter 2 - Friction

Based on what you have read so far, describe the setting of the story. Was it set in the modern time? Where did the events in the story takes place? Describe setting of the story?

Chapter 1 - Friction

What do you think this book is all about? What do you think about the characters mentioned on this first chapter?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chapter 8 - Catalyst

Please post your comments and thoughts of Chapter 8 for the Catalyst here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chapter 3 - All American Girl

Chapter 2 - All American Girl

Please post your comments on Chapter 2 of All American Girl here.

Chapter 1- All American Girl

Please post your comments on Chapter 1 for All American Girl here.

Chapter 30 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 30 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 29 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 29 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 28 - How to Ruin My Teeenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 28 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 27 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 27 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 26 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 26 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 25 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 25 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 24 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 24 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 23 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 23 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 22 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 22 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.

Chapter 21 - How to Ruin My Teenage Life

Please post your comments on chapter 21 for How to Ruin My Teenage Life.