Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chapter 20 - How to Ruin a Summer Vacation

Please post your comments on Chapter 20 here.


  1. Chapter 20
    It was great how Amy knows how to manipulate some people without them knowing, it's like she knows what to do when she wants something to herself. I guess she has enough pride to not let Avi help her or be the hero of the world or anything like that, which made it even funnier. I guess only Avi knows that Amy is doing that to get what she wants and Amy knows what Avi is doing at the same time too. This makes it fun to read just in case anything unpredictable comes up in the near future!

  2. I think that was rude of her to trick o’dead into moving and sleeping in Snotty’s sleeping bag. I think too that her acting skills are pretty authentic though, she shouldn’t always use those around people to trick them for anything or even to give attitude for all I care. When avi got up… about to ask Amy if she wanted to share his sleeping bag, I think that was really crazy of her to fake that she didn’t know Avi’s about to ask her to share. But instead, she asks o’dead. I also think she’s crazy, cause like she said so herself, she wants to find out how does Avi really feel about her, his true feelings.

  3. After Ofra tells Amy that Avi likes her, i think she's showing more interest to Avi. I also think she's starting to be more kind t him. She compliments his songs and talks to him first. I think it might be better if Amy likes Avi instead of Mitch. I now know how old Avi is. He's eighteen and he'll be joining the military in two months. I think Amy is a little sad. She's starting to learn more about Israel, but it will take her time to become a true Israeli. Amy shares O'Dead's sleeping bag, but they're both uncomfortable. What will happen to them the next moring? And I hope the story line goes a little faster.

  4. Now that Amy knows that Avi has feelings for her, I think that she's trying not to show it that she knows. I think that she's afraid to admit it that she,too, likes Avi. Amy is trying to find ways not to talk to him at this point. She is being stubborn especially when he's finally going to talk to her, she ignored it. She can be crazy at times. I have a feeling that Amy likes Avi and Avi doesn't know it. I find Amy and Avi the same because they always want to do things their way and they don't like anything to go in their way. They are so alike. Also they hide their feelings away from each other until someone notices and then talks about it to them. I wonder if she's going to make the first move tomorrow morning. Amy knows that Avi wants to share with her but she's being so hard on him.

  5. I guess she has enough pride to not let Avi help her or be the hero of the world or anything like that, which made it even funnier. I think that was rude of her to trick o’dead into moving and sleeping in Snotty’s sleeping bag. I have a feeling that Amy likes Avi and Avi doesn't know it. I find Amy and Avi the same because they always want to do things their way and they don't like anything to go in their way. Amy knows that Avi wants to share with her but she's being so hard on him.

  6. Chapter20
    I think that making people ashamed isn't cool, but for Amy she thinks it is. I just think she should quit her attitude and get a better hobby besides manipulating people or being straight up at them. I feel like Avi really likes Amy but at the same time I was thinking that they should go out because they have one thing in common, which is that they both like doing things their way. She has a problem when she is stubborn because Avi notices a lot and he wonders if she's just like that. I think now that Amy knows Avi really likes her she plans on checking how he really feels about her.

  7. Well, first of all, I didn't know that Oprah and DooDoo were going out! They seemed pretty close, but I guess they were much more than that. I also think that O'dead and O'snot will be a great couple.
    I bet both Avi and Amy feel weird when they look at each other, because I pretty much found out how they feel for each other, though it isn't clearly stated. It's funny how Amy tries to avoid Avi by trying to sleep in O'dead's sleeping bag; or is it really avoiding? Maybe she's just trying to make Avi jealous, showing how close she's trying to be with O'dead (even though she has no feelings for him).
    This situation where Amy and Avi don't talk to each other is getting pretty annoying. They won't talk to each other about the tension, and they don't even know why the atmosphere is like that. In fact, they don't know what their feeling for each other. I wish they could start doing SOMETHING about this.

  8. Chapter 20
    I don’t like the chapter! Avi and Amy just fight more. They talk a lot about their country and which country experiences harsher problems. I like the fact that Amy actually said something nice to Avi and they actually talk instead of arguing. Amy is so blonde, I can’t believe she didn’t think of bring a sleeping bag, I mean duh your going camping that the one thing you need the most. Or maybe she did it on purpose to sleep with Avi.. Towards the end of the chapter, Amy plays kind of childish. She pretends that she’s sleeping and she notices that o’dead is trying to make her uncomfortable and Avi is just watching her pretending to sleep. Amy, this girl is so funny!
