Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 14 - How to Ruin my Teenage Life

Please post what you think about chapter 14 of How to Ruin my Teenage Life here.


  1. Since Marla, from the cafe Amy works, mentioned it, I really think Nathan and Amy like each other now. I mean Avi is so far away and Nathan's girlfriend doesn't even show up. But there are still some things I don't understand. Do they really have to kiss each other? I mean, can't they just say something like 'I like you' and be kind? They're both so complicated. These conflicts in the book makes me frustrated. I can't believe Amy took Ron to get manicures. Well, Ron was kind of surprised at first, but enjoyd it at the end. I want to try this with my dad and make him surprised. Maybe he'll say yes, maybe not.

  2. It's so funny of Amy to take her dad out for manicures. I can't imagine myself like that with my dad. I don't think he would take the offer. Ha ha. So Nathan and Amy are okay with each other again. This is so crazy! I don't understand them. I think that he really does like her but not in the way that Avi likes Amy. Amy is going crazy and I'm so mad at her for doing this. I think she doesn't have anyone, like Avi, to turn to for comfort. I think she turns to Nathan because Avi is so far away. I still think that it's not right. Nathan's feelings for her is way different from Avi. I think he wants to be like a best friend to her but sometimes, maybe, it's hard to explain to Amy the right way.

  3. Chapter 14
    It seems to me like a father posing as a mom for Mother's Day because when they arrived at a salon, I laughed when he started making statements out loud to prove to people around him that he's only having quality time with his daughter and also being macho. It's nice, I think it's a great get together for a daughter and a father in a manicure salon. It makes me wonder how a person like Amy would turn to anyone for help when someone close to her isn't around, like Avi. I feel sorry for Avi because he loves Amy and yet they're so far apart from each other. I wish that they would be together so that it would end quickly and have an ending but I guess there are still more they have to do and the ending would be bad if it just stopped. So reading on is the best thing to do.

  4. Chapter 14
    I think that he and that guy that kissed her in the café and said that her and him are Valentines date couples. Now all of the kids in the school are whispering and talking behind her and in front of her. Also now her and her friends are thinking negative about her and that boy that kissed. I think she turns to Nathan because Avi is so far away. I still think that it's not right. Nathan's feelings for her is way different from Avi.

  5. Hmm, it really does sound like Amy and Nathan like each other. You know what they say, strong negativity is strong positivity! The more they try to hate each other, the more I can tell they’re attracted to each other. Well, for one thing, this whole situation is wrong; there should be absolutely no reason to receive the kiss in the cafeteria, or to kiss Nathan in the first place. It’s completely a silly drama! What I’m totally sure of is that Avi is crying right now :(
    Amy still hasn’t let go of her last hopes of making her father a girlfriend. I can see she’s trying very hard to make him happy- first the online service, now the speed date- but it’s too bad he’s happy with himself and his job. I do wish that Ron meets his soul mate someday, preferably now, because he DOES look pretty lonely. Maybe there will be a time that his love will come, it may not be now, but I guess we just have to wait.

  6. I have to say Holy cow ~ to this chapter because the kiss in the cafeteria with Nathan. That was really shock me. Why Nathan was kissed her and I don’t understand Amy because she has boyfriend Avi….. If I Amy boyfriend I punch ~ Nathan. That was really bad thing. Oh!! yeah I think….Nathan is playboy. Because before chapter 8. He said he have girl….why!! Nathan kissed her….I got confuse…..he love her?? Or she loves him? How but love each other??? Oh~ really confuse. And I can't believe Amy took Ron to get manicures. That was awesome because I like art~ I think manicures also artist. So~ I want say to Ron “cheer up!! Ron!! you are very good ~ manicure artist~ good lucky.”
