Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 13 - Silent Boy

Please post your comments on Chapter 13 of the Silent Boy here.


  1. I found chapter thirteen to be very interesting. I thought it was so amusing how Mr. Bishop, Austin’s father got themselves a Ford automobile which amazed all the neighbors. I also found it very interesting that lately it seemed to be silent, everyone out of sorts or in other words upset about something. The part I liked the most was when Katy’s father explained that it was like that because of Nell who went back home on the farm to her family, which is surprising cause she hates it there. It makes me wonder that maybe she and Paul got caught and that she’s probably pregnant so that’s why they sent her away.

  2. This chapter begins quiet and peaceful. But it became interesting when Mr. Bishop brought a motorcar. And it makes me surprise when I found out that motorcar cost nine hundred dollars. But Peggy told Katy that is a wasting money because that money can be used to save some children and orphans. I think Peggy is thoughtful and looks like a grown-up person. And Katy told her father about Jacob, because Jacob comes to the stable often to see the horses. In this chapter, Nell left the bishop. I think Mr. Bishop found out a relationship between Nell and Paul. But I was surprised, because Nell went back to the farm not a New York.

  3. On One quiet and peaceful afternoon, everyone in the town heard a noisy sound outside and went out to see what it was. It was Mr.Bishop who was Austin's father rode on a car. Mr.Bishop loved the machines and he was the first one who had a car in Katy's town. Katy suggested her father to had a car for emergency patients, but he did not want a car and there was a reason for Mr.Bishop to had a car. It was because of his son Paul who will leave the town soon.

  4. Chapter thirteen was really interesting. Mr. Bishpop bought a Motorcar for his family, and everyone was a mazed by it. I like the part where Katy's father said he doesnt need a car to take care of his patients. Because if there really is an emergency, you never know the car can give you problems like the starter for one. I liked how he said but those horses always start they never give him problems. I also like the part where Katy's father told her that nellie,peggy's sister left the bishops and that she packed all her stuff and left crying with no reason. Mrs. Thatcher and peggy are upset at the momentbecause they know nellie doesnt like the farm but she went back. I dont know whats going on right now but i cant wait to find out.

  5. Katy and her mother where up stairs listening to a robin chirping around the window right outside, as they were listening they heard a loud noise and this noise was strange because they’ve never heard it in their neighborhood before, when they got out to check it out it was Mr. Bishop with his motor car a ford model “or that was the first car in the united states”, I don’t mind riding something into my neighborhood that they’ve never heard of before or ride something louder then what they are riding on, I want something like 4 wheller a black one with unlimited gasoline.

  6. In this chapter I hate the fact that Jessie is coming along with Katy and her father. For me Jessie is a bad character, I hate Jessie as a character because she does not know any respect. She laughs at Jacob’s horse’s name, I think that Jessie is just plain disrespectful. I think it’s rude to make fun of a person even though they are normal or not. This chapter is long and boring but at least I get to know why Jacob always keep his cap on, it’s because it protects his little world inside his head… I think that it’s nice to have a world of your own inside of your head it helps you imagine just like Katy and Austin…

  7. Chapter 13 – August 1911
    I think Katharine’s mother saying that “If she were a perfect mother, the book wouldn’t be so interesting.” Thinking about that this book seemed perfect to me. It has nothing wrong with it and it’s about someone’s life so how can you tell right from wrong? It’s only the way I think to decide what is wrong and what’s right. I bet everyone were envious when Mr. Bishop came in his new car. I got the same brand of car myself, FORD. I think it’s true that Katharine’s father should get one because a buggy is too slow to get around. I wondered though what happened to Nell and Paul. I guess they got into a fight and broke up, and now Mr. Bishop is mad at Paul too.
