Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chapter 22 - How to Ruin a Summer Vacation

Please post your comments on chapter 22 of How to Ruin a Summer Vacation here.


  1. Chapter 22
    Okay... It seems like my possibilities were wrong from my previous comment in chapter 21. Avi and Amy were actually kissing... KISSING!!! I couldn't believe it, I thought it would come later in the story line, but it just happened right there in the kayaking activity! I was very surprised that I shouted in my room, and luckily no one was there to hear me. Yup, and ofra was right too, that Avi likes Amy more that a friend, even though didn't believe they were actually friends from what they did to each other before. But I guess I was right again that the more you hate the more you love in some people's terms. But sometimes for me, the more you hate, the more you hate. ^_^

  2. Awww…. I think that was the sweetest thing that’s happened since Amy’s been here. I knew it! I knew they both liked each other. I just knew it! OMG!!! I’m just so happy for them, I mean I know it’s not a SOMETHING yet, but hey it’s a good start. Now I’m just going to wait a see what’s going to happen next whether things will turn out perfect for them or not… I mean who know?!?! Hehehehe…. I don’t know what to say about what I think of her. She’s really starting to change. Before, this is not what we mainly see in Amy, but now… it’s like a new her, just been waiting to be reborn.

  3. Amy is scared to go kayaking, but she's pretending like she's tough again. She's lucky O'snot is being nice and going with her, until Avi shows up. Avi is really caring, but he seems a little stubborn sometimes. Now Avi and Amy is in the same kayak while O'snot and O'Dead is together. I don't understand why Avi and Amy is suddenly kissing. It might of been a little sweet, but absolutely not romantic. Kissing in the middle of kayaking? Most of all, they didn't even tell each other that they like each other and Avi didn't even tell Amy why he kissed her. Well, but it's true that he really likes her. Now I want to find out what happens to O'snot and O'Dead.

  4. Wow! I didn't know it's going to happen like that. I thought it was just going to be arguing and putting down each other but, nope, it started off with a help on a life-jacket and then it leads to a kiss. Okay, I was not surprise because I knew Avi was going to do something to prove to Amy that he likes her. I knew he was the one to start it. I know Amy was shocked because she wasn't expecting that to come but I think she needed it to shut her mouth. Avi was right. She needed it. It actually shut her up. She doesn't know what to say and so confused about what just happened. She's in a shock trauma. I think that Amy is going to like him soon. I think she likes him already.

  5. I think that was the sweetest thing that’s happened since Amy’s been here. I knew it! I knew they both liked each other. Now Avi and Amy is in the same kayak while O’snat and O’Dea is together. I know Amy was shocked because she wasn't expecting that to come but I think she needed it to shut her mouth. Avi was right. She needed it. It’s true that he really likes her. Now I want to find out what happens to O’snat and O’Dea. But sometimes for me, the more you hate, the more you hate.

  6. Chapter22
    Gosh! Man how cute I mean I wouldn't mind someone giving me a hand. Avi I, am really happy for a him because he's showing her how he really feels about her especially how he gave her a hand and told her he would help her. I noticed that they both liked each other it's just that Amy's probably shy to show it. I feel that this chapter talks about how they're getting close and how Avi shows Amy that she is the girl for him after all he likes her. I just hope everything goes right between them and know one ruins it.

  7. KISSING?! Amy and Avi? That was totally random, and totally out of the story. They don't go out, she has boyfriend, he has a past, and they're suppose to dislike each other; but, KISSING? All I could say is that what they did was so awkward and nonsense. Seriously, I would never have give or recieve a kiss to a guy I'm not officially going out with. Avi could've confessed his feelings for her first, and then do the rest, but no- he just had to kiss her for the reason that she "needs it." That was just stupid. Also, Amy is a dork; she has been kissed, and now she has to "forget about it." That only leaves a big hole of pain left by a few seconds of mistake.

  8. Chapter 22
    Oh my Gosh!! This is the chapter I’ve been waiting for! Avi kisses Amy in the kayak and what he said to her was true, she really did need the kiss. I’m glad that Avi ended up taking Amy in the kayak because I know she’s can put her trust in him more than she can with Snotty. And the rapid waves scare girls more than they do with boys. I think Amy overreacted riding the kayak. She should feel safe that’s she riding with Avi. This chapter like chapter twenty two was short but I really liked it! This book is starting to make some good progress :]
