Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chapter 9 - Friction

Please post your thoughts and comments about the events on Chapter 9 of Friction here.


  1. It is the second day of the camp, they had activity’s to do the first thing they did was rappel of a cliff, Alex was supposed to go first but she didn’t want because Simon was at the bottom of the cliff and she didn’t want her classmates to think wrong again about her so what she did was say that tim wanted to go first, so Tim did and went down first right after Tim down came Alex. Off course I would be so SCARED to go down on my own I don’t care if its just an activity like I said im sooo scared of HEIGHTS.

  2. Now, it is little boring that the story is at the same place. It is all about the camping trip and not going for other story plots. The conflict between Alex and Stacy is still same. However, I still expect about the soccer league. What I mostly hope from the story right now is that they should get out of the camping trip and the relationship of Alex and Stacy should be clear. In my thought, they are going to be the best friend in later.

  3. in this chapter i think that maybe stacy want saimon to get in trouble or something she seems to always complain about everything that saimon do like making alex go first. what i hate is that evreyone in the school thinks that siamon and alex have some kind of thing together because stacy told them that, plus saimon pick alex to go first in the rope thing that just made everyone thing really bad...

  4. Chapter nine didn’t have much going on. But I enjoyed reading the part where everyone started arguing or actually when Stacy started demanding to sleep in the mansion, I thought how stupid of her it doesn’t even belong to her, not ashame. I also liked the part where Simon took them to the peak of the mountain and the student’s thought it was beautiful, and then after they ran down, I thought that was hilarious because I can already picture their faces. I don’t think I would ever keep up if I was there. Overall, chapter nine was okay, not all that.

  5. Chapter nine was funny because Stacy and Alex were arguing because of the Simon. And Stacy was arguing with Sebastian because she wants to sleep front of the entrance. I think she is being so nonsense all the time and she is also stubborn and self-fish. Most interesting part of this chapter was when Stacy was stuck and she starts to acting like a baby girl. Even Alex thought that was funny because Stacy always trying to be cool and tough. I really like the last part of this chapter because all of them looked so happy when they were running down the mountain. I think Simon is success to teach them an exhilaration which means feeling alive.

  6. I liked the part where Simon took them to the peak of the mountain and the student’s thought it was beautiful, and then after they ran down, I thought that was hilarious because I can already picture their faces. I don’t think I would ever keep up if I was there. Overall, chapter nine was okay, not all this chapter i think that maybe stacy want saimon to get in trouble or something she seems to always complain about everything that saimon do like making alex go first.
